Daily Prayer Partner

We invite you to Partner with us

Become a Daily Prayer Partner

“I received a divine message from the Lord on Sunday morning, October 24th, 2023. The Lord gave me a clear and compelling mandate: to raise 1,000 Intercessors who will stand daily in God’s presence and advocate for His people.
This mission is to awaken and equip a global army of Intercessors who are dedicated to the vital work of strategic prayer and intercession. These devoted individuals will be instrumental in bringing about transformative change in our families, churches, towns, and cities, as we prepare for the great end-time revival and the harvest of souls.” ~ Bishop Abel Kungu
Ways to partner

Together We Will

  • Strengthen Families

    Intercede for the restoration and unity of families, ensuring that they become strong foundations of faith and love.

  • Revitalize Churches

    Pray for spiritual renewal within our churches, seeking to ignite a passion for worship, service, and community.

  • Transform Communities

    Advocate for God’s intervention in our towns and cities, aiming to create environments where righteousness, justice, and peace prevail.

  • Prepare for Revival

    Equip ourselves and others for the great end-time revival, fostering an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit can move freely and powerfully.

  • Harvest Souls

    Focus on the salvation of souls, interceding for those who have yet to experience the transformative love of Jesus Christ.